Maddie and her good freind Kennedy below -and Cute Bailey to the right.

Maddie and her good freind Kennedy below -and Cute Bailey to the right.
Posted by leesa at 2:02 PM 2 comments
Posted by leesa at 1:48 PM 2 comments
I just had a funny conversation with Cameron I thought I'd share!
Me (as I was carying Cameron up to bed): Will you stay little forever?
Cam- no, I want to be big like you.
Me- but don't you want to be my little boy forever?
Cam- No,I want to Drive a car
Me- oh, okay
Cam- Mom, I have to drive a car, so I have to be big!
For the past 2 months I have had to hide my keys or keep them in my pocket and keep the car locked, why? Because Cameron apparently wants badly to drive a car and he will get in and pretend to drive and lately he asks for the keys so he can go start the car. That boy, he's crazy!
Posted by leesa at 6:50 PM 4 comments
Posted by leesa at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by leesa at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Posted by leesa at 12:37 PM 0 comments
I have never had a toddler so daring as Connor! This park near our house has a very high, very steep slide. Connor goes to the bridge and climbs the steep steps to the high slide and goes right down like it's nothing at all. He is Mr independent right now and wants to do everything himself, he's so funny!
Posted by leesa at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Posted by leesa at 10:18 AM 0 comments
Posted by leesa at 12:13 PM 3 comments
We went to Zions and did a little hiking. It was really beautiful and the
weather was perfect. The kids had a lot of fun! A nice change of
pace from the long dreary winter! They loved all the little
caves along the way. This was on the up hill part of the hike, Maddie was a little tired, but she enjoyed it when it was
a little more flat or down hill.
Posted by leesa at 11:55 AM 5 comments
Bailey tumbling (in mid-cartwheel)
Posted by leesa at 11:44 AM 3 comments
Posted by leesa at 8:52 PM 5 comments
Posted by leesa at 7:20 PM 2 comments
I take a supplement called Emergen-C. I have heard that it's pretty much the same as Airborne. I like Emergen-C because it costs less that Airborne, and I think it is tastier, and you don't have to wait for it to melt (or whatever.) I have heard so many conflicting sides to these products. Some say that they don't work at all and have a very strong opinion about it. I have been using Emergen-c for about two years, off and on and mostly in the Fall and Winter. I have not had a really bad cold in these two years, I have had 1 mild cold and this Fall I lost my voice but had no other symptoms. I have two kids in school ( the germ factory) and they have brought home some nasty stuff, I did not get any of it. I really feel like the Emergen-C has boosted my immune system, I used to get sick all the time. is it all in my head that it really works? One more thing I always get a flu shot and so does my family (exept my dear hubby who usually won't) We have never had influenza, Just like the Emergen-C/ Airborne I have heard that people really don't think they work, they work for me, what's the deal, am I just lucky? TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!
Posted by leesa at 7:33 PM 4 comments
Posted by leesa at 12:20 PM 6 comments
Christmas Morning at our house was so nice this year!
We took our time and had a great time. It was snowing like
crazy outside, so we just stayed home for the morning. Then we
went to the Attebury's for dinner. It was a great day!
Connor's new favorite pass time. He gathers all his favorite books
and his 'bikie'(blanket) and he is good for like 10 min. WOW!
The girls and Brinlee (Maddie's friend) after the
Christmas recital.
We put on the Nativity at Grammy's house this year.
Posted by leesa at 11:59 AM 0 comments