Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Schools out!

Maddie and her good freind Kennedy below -and Cute Bailey to the right.

Okay the girls were out of school 3 weeks ago, I just have not posted anything about it. I took these pictures on the last day when we had our celebration water party in the backyard. The girls had a great year! Bailey is now a 2nd grader and Maddie a 4th grader. We are exited about our upcoming adventures at our new school Hawthorn Academy. We will miss all our old friends, but we will make new friends and keep the old for one is silver the other gold!

We Love to see the Temple!

We are so very exited to have this new Temple! It is so close to us, about 2 miles away. We went to the open house and it's very beautiful! Jason and I also got the wonderful opportunity to serve in the open house. Jason got to clean the Temple and I got to be an usher ( in the Brides room, so
pretty!) It was a great experience!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Little boys!

I just had a funny conversation with Cameron I thought I'd share!

Me (as I was carying Cameron up to bed): Will you stay little forever?

Cam- no, I want to be big like you.

Me- but don't you want to be my little boy forever?

Cam- No,I want to Drive a car

Me- oh, okay

Cam- Mom, I have to drive a car, so I have to be big!

For the past 2 months I have had to hide my keys or keep them in my pocket and keep the car locked, why? Because Cameron apparently wants badly to drive a car and he will get in and pretend to drive and lately he asks for the keys so he can go start the car. That boy, he's crazy!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Seems like April and May are so chuck full of birthdays we are celebrating every week. This is not a bad thing, I like to celebrate, I just can't get to posting pictures on the blog (cuz we are too busy celebrating!) My baby had his second Birthday, this is bittersweet for me he's getting so big and independent, he does not want to snuggle like he used to. He's such a sweet good boy, he likes to just do what ever brother is doing. The big difference is Connor can sit in one place and concentrate on something for a while, and those of you who know Cameron he is rarely in one spot for more than a few seconds. Happy Birthday to my sweet baby boy!
Cameron also had a birthday! He turned four.
He will go to swimming lessons this summer and
then to pre-school. The same lady that teaches
our swimming lessons has an in home pre-school as
well. I know he will have a lot of fun as long as he can learn
to sit still! He's still completely obsessed with mowing the
lawn and is in 7th heaven now that he and Daddy can mow
again. I think he is going to have his own lawn care business
when he grows up. For now I want him to stay my little funny boy!
Happy Birthday Cam-Cam! And to all Family and friends who had
recent birthdays We Love You Happy Birthday!

Creative Kids!

These pictures are not the greatest, but I just had to put them up. Maddie likes to play with modeling clay and make little animals and beds for them. They are so cute. Here she made a penguin and her home. a bed and toys and even rugs for the floor. The little penguin even has interchangeable red or yellow bow!

Tee ball

Cameron played Tee ball this spring. I can't say that he loved it but it was good for him to learn the game. Baseball takes a lot of patience! While waiting for your turn to bat and waiting out field for a ball to come your way. Patience is not a real strong point right now for Cam. I'm sure in a few years he will have a lot more fun. That being said, we had a blast watching the funny little boys. They were all so cute!

At the Park

I have never had a toddler so daring as Connor! This park near our house has a very high, very steep slide. Connor goes to the bridge and climbs the steep steps to the high slide and goes right down like it's nothing at all. He is Mr independent right now and wants to do everything himself, he's so funny!

Maddie and Chrissa

Maddie finally got her doll! She worked really hard doing chores at home and at Grandma's house. When her doll came she could hardly contain herself! Now she and Chrissa (doll) are best buddies. She is one happy Girl!