Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I just want to say how thankful I am for my life. Life is truly beautiful. Sometimes I find myself gripping about the little things that go wrong, or just the every day things of life with four kids, but I have so much, and the good out weighs the bad by so much.
I figure, you can take the hard things and be mad and frustrated, or you can take the good and run with it. I admire people who do that, who take life as it comes and deal with it in a positive way, I really hope to be there some day. But in the meantime, while I am working on that, my life is good, great, wonderful!


Connie and Jimbob said...

I agree, my dear; life is good. It's not always easy to look on the bright side when problems arise but when you look at the blessings you realize just how good your life really truly is. You have an adorable little family, you have the gospel...what more?

LeeAnn Barker said...

Yes, life is good; surrounded by the folks you love most. And any day is easier if you face it with a positive attitude. I sing all the way to work--greet the day with a song, so to speak--and it precludes much hollering, later. Lubyooo!

Cass and Jared said...

Looking on the bright side definitely makes everything easier. Life is good, especially when you think about the good things in it!

Jason and Audrey said...

I'm with you. It took me a while, but I'm there now. When we focus on the hard, and bad, life seems hard and bad. I love ya! Thanks for being you!

Shannon said...

Hey sister!
I love your new song! You are a great example to me. P.S. I tagged ya. :)

Janessa said...

HI Leesa, Good to talk to you today. I am changing my blog to invited readers only, email me your email address and I'll add you k? spajanessa@yahoo.com