Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Boys in the Backyard

Connor is in love with his swing, it's all
he wants to do when he's in the backyard,
Swing, swing, swing.

Cam, just chillin on the swing.

Whoa! Look mom, I'm up higher.

My Baseball Boy. Yes, I set this up, but it was too
cute to resist!

We went to the Days of 47 float preview today. I forgot my camera so I don't have any pics, but my mom took a few. You can see them on her blog right now, just go to my mom and dad link!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cam Sings-ABC's/I am a child of God

Horseback riding at the Marsings

Maddie just about died when we told her
what we were going to do, she has been
dreaming about this for a long time. She
Cried and hugged the horses when we left.

Bailey riding with Grammy, She loved it!

What a beautiful place!

Cameron riding with Grammy.

Connor was not impressed by the horses.
He liked eating the dirt much better.

Bailey's Swimming update

Here is the HAPPY girl at the pool!

Jump,Bailey, Jump

Float, Bailey, float

Yeah for me!